Verdi is a mid-early Junebearer from teh Fresh Forward programme. It...
Vitalim is a 100% male hybrid and extremely suitable for white asparagus production in regions with a warm/Mediterranean climate. Vitalim combines very early production with exceptionally high yields and a long, profitable production life. Vitalim is also ideally suited for forced early cultivation.
• 100% male hybrid
• Very early production
• Extremely high yield potential
• Stable, long life
• Uniform quality and grades
• Very stable and strong foliage
Vitalim grows best on fertile, well-drained soils. Our own extensive research has shown that the best results for white asparagus production can be achieved with a planting density of 4 plants per linear metre with a planting depth of 16 - 20 cm. On fertile soils not sensitive to drought or fields that are irrigated and/or where fertigation is present a planting density is possible of 5 plants per linear metre. Thanks to its natural earliness, Vitalim is ideally suited to extra forcing techniques, such as plastic mulch and mini tunnels.
Vitalim has a very high production potential, excellent quality and very good thickness. The uniform product has well closed tips and has little or no susceptibility to hollow stems or physiological rust. Correct postharvest handling not only improves the storage life but also reduces the risk of pink discolouration. More than 70% of production is in grade class 16 - 24 mm. Vitalim has a particularly good flavour.
The plant
The very uniform, vigorous foliage of Vitalim is very upright. The foliage is naturally highly resistant to foliage diseases and insusceptible to lodging. These good foliage traits also make Vitalim ideal for organic cultivation methods.