Verdi is a mid-early Junebearer from teh Fresh Forward programme. It...
Number of plants per hectare
Number of plants per hectare at different row spacing at 100% utilization plot
Row distance (meter) | 3 plants p/m | 3,5 plants p/m | 4 plants p/m | 4,5 plants p/m | 5 plants p/m | 5,5 plants p/m |
1,40 | 21.429 | 25.000 | 28.571 | 32.143 | 35.714 | 39.286 |
1,65 | 18.182 | 21.212 | 24.242 | 27.273 | 30.303 | 33.333 |
1,80 | 16.667 | 19.444 | 22.222 | 25.000 | 27.778 | 30.556 |
2,00 | 15.000 | 17.500 | 20.000 | 22.500 | 25.000 | 27.500 |
2,20 | 13.636 | 15.909 | 18.182 | 20.455 | 22.727 | 25.000 |
2,50 | 12.000 | 14.000 | 16.000 | 18.000 | 20.000 | 22.000 |