Verdi is a mid-early Junebearer from teh Fresh Forward programme. It...
September 2018 - FD1604 voted as Best Tasting Strawberry!
To win a taste test. You can't wish a better advertisement as a new strawverry variety. It happened to our new Fresh Forward-type, the FD1604, an everbearer!
At the busy ZLTO Strawberry Demo Day, our new variety, the FD1604, has been chosen by the audience as the tastiest strawberry. A boost for a promising testing variety like the FD1604, which has already been discussed in our news reports in a positive way.
We knew it for a while. And now the people have chosen. The FD1604 is obvious a new strawberry variety with a bright future ahead!
Find more information of the FD1604 on this website: Everbearer FD1604