June 2018 - Pleasing News Allegro, a Year After Introduction!
The early june bearer Allegro again shows positive results this season. On fresh soils the plants may become somewhat vegetative, but on older soils Allegro performs well; the plants look vital, healthy and balanced. Both plants and trusses remain sufficiently compact. Allegro flowers later than other early variety and flowers underneath the canopy, making it it less susceptible to spring frost, which consequently contributes to a relatively high percentage of Class I fruit. Also this year we see a high Class I yield (900g per plant) in the main crop, in which fresh plants have been planted at the beginning of August.
Allegro proves to be robust and does not seem to have difficulties with respect to the highly variable weather conditions of the past weeks. These (unfavourable) conditions have hardly affected the fruit size, presentation and good taste of Allegro. Lastly, we see that even with a very limited fertilization regime, the desired results can be achieved. Grower Jörg Huber (Huberhof, Achern), stated the following on Allegro: “The test results show that Allegro is very steady in a forced conventional culture. In particular on soils on which strawberries have previously been cultivated, Allegro shows its strength. Allegro is a robust, aromatic and economically viable variety.”