Verdi is a mid-early Junebearer from teh Fresh Forward programme. It...
Why de Kemp?
Where does the story of Nursery de Kemp and its characteristic quality begin? 'Perhaps the story of de Kemp will start where it ends ...', says general manager Paul Litjens, 'with our satisfied customers, the experienced strawberry and asparagus growers, who have been coming back for generations. Or it is our continuous search for valuable innovations, without losing sight of our basis and descent. Or maybe it is our dedicated staff? Or is it ultimately the quality of our plants? I do not dare to say it', laughs Paul. 'What I do know is that everything is connected to each other.'
You won't be surprised that nursery de Kemp carries its four core values 'health, productivity, uniformity and vitality' into their slogans. 'How we translate these values into practice every day? Well, it starts with a healthy basis. We grow our own mother plants ourselves. All strawberry plants are, without exception, propagated from this healthy base. We use our louse-free greenhouses for this. Or when we speak about asparagus plants, our employees ensure that our field is in optimum condition before we start to sow. Otherwise we will not start '.
'Our plants can not lack anything in cultivation. Think of things like clever fertilization, optimal irrigation, accurate registration of growth parameters, following our plots closely or carrying out our own flower research. Our professional staff does everything to grow your strawberry and asparagus plants in optimal condition, so that you receive productive plants.
'Sorting the plants, for example, is done on the basis of strict requirements. Our employees are well instructed before they start, so that a strict and uniform sorting is guaranteed. Just like a quick processing of the grubbed plants. The circular (cold) chain completes the story of de Kemp. 'The plants must arrive vital to our customers. A circular (cold) chain guarantees vital plants, which from the moment of planting do what they have to do, grow and flourish. You actually read it between the lines; our passionate employees are simply indispensable in the entire process', says Paul.
The slogans of the Kemp are also typical in this light, 'quality is our passion' and 'a promise is a promise'. 'The last slogan is very important. A correct processing of your order, as our sales representatives have agreed with you, that is what we are aiming for. Building long-term relationships and being a reliable and professional partner for our customers. That is the idea.' Nice words that de Kemp nursery has been making for more than fifty years. Day in day out. For more than 50 years...
Nursery de Kemp: Healthy - Productivity - Uniformity - Vitality